Questions you can ask during recruitment

Recruitment can be such a fun time full of excitement and new beginnings! And while the chapters will help you get to know them through videos and conversations, asking questions as a PNM is also very important to ensure that you are finding your home sweet home on Rocky Top!

The questions you ask the women you speak to during recruitment can help you get to know them, and their chapter, and for them to get to know you better too!

Below are some questions that you can ask during recruitment to learn more about the chapters you are visiting! (Remember that these are just a few suggestions on things that you can ask, you do not have to ask these questions!)


  • What is your chapter's philanthropy?

  • What is your favorite philanthropy event you chapter puts on?

  • How do you and your chapter get involved in the community through service?

  • How have you gotten involved within your chapter?

  • What are you involved in outside of your sorority?


  • What is your favorite sisterhood event your chapter puts on?

  • What is your favorite value and why?

  • How would you describe your friends/sisters?

  • What is your favorite thing to do with your sorority sisters?

  • What leadership positions are available within the chapter?


  • How did you decide your chapter when going through recruitment?

  • What does the new member process look like for your chapter? What was it like for you?

  • Can you tell me about the person in this chapter who has impacted you the most?

  • What qualities were you looking for in a sisterhood and how did you find those here?

  • Who/what has most influenced your life and how/why?


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